
Enter the data

Add here the expected amount of your sales income in one month.
Add here your expected costs that you will incur while providing the service.
Write your desired GROSS salary here, so you can see what expenses you incur in the company
Dividends can only be paid from OÜ, provided that the company has had a profit for the previous year. This fee cannot be applied in the first year.
Please choose whether you have 2 pension funds or not, the amount of your salary taxes also depends on it
Choose whether you want to calculate tax-free income, however, the system automatically calculates the amount of tax-free income depending on the gross salary
According to your data, the largest payout is for a Private Limited Company. 
According to your data, the largest payout is for the LHV business account.
According to your data, you could also use the FIE business form (be sure to check the tax obligations of the FIE as well)

LHV business account

Ettevõtluskontot saab kasutada müügituluga kuni 40 000 eurot aastas!!

FIE- 1 year

FIE- 2 year

OÜ total payout

OÜ minimum salary/dividend

Your sales revenue is less than your expenses, so the company remains in debt.

Optional salary/dividends of OÜ

Your sales revenue is less than your expenses, so the company remains in debt.